Knowing When It Is Time To Replace The Roof On Your Home

Working with a roofing contractor to determine when it is time to replace the roof on your home is often best. The roofing contractor can inspect the existing roof for you and help determine what the best course of action for your roof is going to be. 

Inspecting The Roof

If you are dealing with roof leaks or are concerned that the roof's age will cause it to fail, hiring a roofing contractor to come and inspect the roof for you is often the best way to determine if there is a problem. Your contractor will check the entire roof to determine if there are problems with it and what work needs to be done to make the roof tight and safe again. 

The exterior inspection starts with a look at the singles on the roof to determine the condition. If there are any cracked or torn shingles, there is a good chance that the entire roof needs replacing, but the roofing contractor will check the whole roof. One small area of damaged shingles could be the result of an inadequate repair, so it is vital to know for sure. 

The inspection inside the house will involve checking the roof's structural parts for damage and evidence of leaks in the roof itself. Stains on the wood, mildew in areas, and mold along the rafters are often an indication that water is getting through the roofing material somewhere. 

If the roofing contractor determines you need a new roof, they can deal with all the leaks and structural issues when removing the old roof and installing the new one. 

Repairing The Roof

The roofing contractor and their crew will remove all the old shingles from the roof and check all the plywood on the roof for rot or other damage. If the plywood is rotting, that will get removed as well. 

New plywood will be installed on the roof, and then a layer of heavy roofing felt is installed to ensure that the roof does not leak. The new shingles will get installed over the roofing felt in a staggered pattern to seal out water. The way the shingles overlap is essential, but your contractor should understand that system and can show it to you if you ask. 

Once the new roof is in place, you can expect a lifespan of about 20 years before it needs replacing again. Talk to a roofing contractor for more information. 
