Why It's Important to Replace Worn or Damaged Siding

Homeowners often assume that worn and damaged siding is merely an appearance issue. So, if they don't particularly mind that their home does not look perfect, they might be tempted to ignore the damaged siding. This is not a smart choice. Although people often initially side a home because it looks nice, siding is not just an aesthetic product, and damaged siding can lead to several problems if left in place for too long. Here's a closer look at why replacing that damaged siding is so important.

1. Damaged siding can allow moisture to penetrate your home.

Siding is intended to be a barrier between the outdoors and your home's structural walls. If the siding is damaged, then it is no longer watertight, and that means water may come into contact with your wall's structural walls. You may see some water in your basement, or even along the edges of your floor elsewhere in the home. Water damage often leads to mold growth, and mold is expensive to clean up. Replacing siding is not the cheapest project, but it's cheaper than having to do a major mold cleanup and replace a room's flooring and drywall.

2. Damaged siding can allow insects and other pests into your home.

Cockroaches, ants, rats, mice—you don't want any of these pests in your home. Unfortunately, these pests are all pretty good at squeezing through holes, and they'll easily find their way into your home if you have damaged siding. Once inside, pests can cause quite a lot of damage. Cockroaches can spread disease. Rats also spread disease, and they tear apart insulation. It can be tough to completely get rid of pests if there are still holes in your siding through which new pests can enter. So, the best way to guard against these pests is to replace damaged siding ASAP.

3. Damaged siding may cause problems not covered by homeowners insurance. 

Homeowners sometimes assume that if they end up with water, mold, or pest damage due to damaged siding, their homeowners' insurance will just cover it. But sadly, homeowners insurance companies sometimes refuse to cover this damage. They reason that the homeowner is responsible because they knew about the damaged siding and did not do anything about it.

Replacing your damaged siding can seem like a big project, but it's not a project to ignore. Reach out to a residential siding company near you to get an estimate. It's better to replace the siding now than to be left with issues homeowners insurance won't cover a few years later.
